Marketing For Actors

Marketing For Actors Workshop (4 weeks) at Open City Acting Studio’s The Creative Academy.

Marketing For Actors – ON AIR ROLE + IMDB CREDIT

Marketing For Actors Workshop (4 weeks)
Date: Next Class TBA
Instructor(s): Toni Fox & Richard R. Lee

Be a featured Spotlight Actor on “Sidewalks Entertainment”

Description: The workshop is actually a hands-on, training opportunity for actors to learn how to market themselves! As an actor, YOU are your BRAND. Participants will learn how to craft the 5 W’s of their own story to effectively market themselves. The very important – Who, What, When, Where, and Why? Participants will learn tips on bios, social media & PR opportunities. Each student will be featured in an interview story package on “Sidewalks Entertainment,” a nationally-produced entertainment TV series and/or its official website at as a part of our new upcoming actor spotlight segment. In addition, students will receive IMDB credit for the show they are featured on.

Email For Availability and Upcoming New Class Schedules –

“Sidewalks Entertainment” has partnered with Open City Acting Studio’s The Creative Academy – where actors in the process learn how to discover,  develop, and maximize their unique storytelling capabilities through consecutive writing, producing, and marketing workshops. In concert with in-class lessons, students will work outside of the classroom putting teachings to practice both on and off set. 

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