Meet Oliver, Thomas and Jonathan, the guys from the ultimate wild party, “Project X.” Mika interviews the stars.
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(l-r) Oliver Cooper, Mika Abogado, Thomas Mann, and Jonathan Daniel Brown
Video Content: Stars of Project X (2012): SIDEWALKS correspondent Mika Abogado interviews the young stars of “Project X.”
Actors Oliver Cooper (who plays Costa), Thomas Mann (Thomas) and Jonathan Daniel Brown (J.B.) talk about filming the comedy and which producer Todd Phillips’ (“The Hangover”) films they like.
Interview Credits: Recorded: February 27, 2012
Host/Segment Producer: Mika Abogado
Editor: Richard R. Lee
Special Thanks To: Warner Bros. Pictures, Allied-THA
Three high school guys throw a party...that becomes a neighbor nightmare. SIDEWALKS' Mika and Richard have their reviews of the wild "Project X." "PROJECT X" Warner Bros. Pictures Opening Date: Friday, March 2, 2012 MPAA Rating: R for “crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior…
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