Writer Neil Gaiman, director Toby Haynes, and guest actor Mark Sheppard talk about the new season of Doctor Who.

Back in April of 2010, “The Doctor” came to Sidewalks Entertainment. Well, actually both the “time lord” and his companion of the international hit, Doctor Who.
In a rare United States TV interview, host Cindy Rhodes (and fans themselves) got an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interview the then-new stars Matt Smith (plays the 11th Doctor) and Karen Gillan (companion Amy Pond).
[Watch Matt and Karen’s interview]
With new episodes of the sci-fi drama premiering in both the UK and USA on April 23, 2011, the staff of Sidewalks had another opportunity to interview some participants of the new Doctor Who series (a.k.a. “season” in the States). Backstage at WonderCon 2011, Sidewalks host Richard R. Lee interviews writer Neil Gaiman, director Toby Haynes, and guest actor Mark Sheppard about working on the Series 6 episodes.
Neil Gaiman:
Neil Gaiman, an English author of science fiction and fantasy short stories and graphic novels. His works include the comic book series “The Sandman” and novels “Stardust,” “American Gods,” and “Coraline.” Gaiman wrote the fantasy TV series, Neverwhere. For the new series of Doctor Who, he wrote the episode, “The Doctor’s Wife.”
Toby Haynes:
Toby Haynes has directed many episodes from Matt Smith’s version of Doctor Who, including the upcoming episodes “The Impossible Astronaut” and “Day of The Moon.” Haynes has directed other programs, such as HolbyBlue, Five Days, Spooks: Code 9 and Being Human.
Mark Sheppard:
Actor Mark Sheppard (“Supernatural,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Firefly”) talks about guest starring on a two-part “Doctor Who” episodes, “The Impossible Astronaut” and “Day of the Moon.”
Trailer for “Doctor Who”
Interview Credits:
Recorded: April 3, 2011
Videographer: J.P. Langston
Special Thanks To: WonderCon, BBC America, Devin Johnson